October 3, 2010


I'm not keeping up with this very well, am I? I guess I just don't want to post anything un-interesting...not that the post about twitter WAS interesting...


So the other night I had the chance to see Tituss Burgess in concert. He was in The Little Mermaid, Jersey Boys, and Guys and Dolls on Broadway. He may be the best singer I have EVER HEARD. He was just ridiculous. The man's plane had been delayed so long that he got to the theatre five minutes before the concert was supposed to start. He rehearsed with the band for fifteen minutes (a band he had NEVER met) and walked out. He had not warmed up, he was obviously exhausted, and he still managed to be perfect. He was hilarious and wonderful and if I'm half that good one day I will be very pleased.

After that I saw The Social Network. Um. Talk about a movie that was amazing! I was not expecting much at all, but it was great! The writing and acting were impeccable. Kind of a perfect movie for anyone in my generation. We're all obsessed with the Facebook. Nice to see where it came from.

Currently I am job hunting...which is weird because I'm kind of confused about what sort of day job I want. I did the barista thing...it was fine...I did the hostess thing...it was TERRIBLE but paid more than the barista thing. Retail is super boring...I'm going to call a few places tomorrow and see if they are hiring. I WANT to work at a cupcake place, but I don't think they hire non-bakers. I wouldn't trust me with cupcakes if I owned a cupcake place. That didn't make sense, but you get the point.

Here's the REAL problem though...I have no Halloween plans. NONE. I ALWAYS have Halloween plans. It is my favorite holiday...I can't just sit in my house in a costume. We live on a huge hill so there aren't trick or treaters...what do I doooo? I want to dress up and do something! Is there like a four year old I can hire to let me take trick or treating? Is that acceptable? I don't think it is.


  1. we will have mimosa's on Christmas for sure.

  2. i wanna see the facebook movie! and i'm jealous of the concert! what are you gonna be for halloween? my cast wants me to be Julia Child because i tend to do her voice a lot, ha. we'll see if that actually happens. good luck on the job hunt!

  3. We tried to see The Social Network last night but it was sold out. I was very sad. Hopefully, I will get to see it soon.

    I will be in San Diego for Halloween. Fun!
