October 31, 2010

This is Halloween!

So. I didn't really have any fun Halloween plans this year. I guess the past few years have been so ridiculous that one peaceful year isn't so bad. I was hoping we would have a bunch of trick or treaters, but we only had 2. :(

Right now I'm watching The Walking Dead on AMC and in an attempt to not get ridiculously scared, am distracting myself with blogging. Why not turn it off, you say? Because. It's Halloween. Zombies are in order.

So yesterday at work, my boss asked us all to dress up because it was Trick or Treat day at the mall. I went as an 80s Material Girl. I thought I did a GOOD JOB dressing up.

However, NOBODY knew what I was. "What...are you exactly?" Was a question I heard often. And even though children didn't know who I was, little girls thought I was AWESOME. So, I guess that's something...right?

The mall sent out a flyer telling us to expect 3000 kids. I thought that sounded like a lot. Well. 3000 would have been NICE. I don't know how many screaming children there were...but it was more than 3000. It was AWFUL. Not only did we have to hand out candy, but we had a huge line of adults wanting coffee...and nobody was patient. Nobody CARED that we had more than one thing to do. If we were taking orders, children would scream "TRICK OR TREAT! TRICK OR TREAT!" over and over again until we gave them candy. If we were giving out candy, the people in line were asking us when they could order. One person had the audacity to walk up and go "WHERE'S THE STARBUCKS?" I just glared at her. I'm a very good glarer.

So by the end of my shift, I had a torn tutu, was soaked in coffee, had lost half of a fake eyelash, and was generally unhappy. Since the mall was so crowded, I didn't get a break. This made me very hungry. Because I was so hungry, I ate a ton of trick or treat candy, which then resulted in a sugar high/crash/stomach ache.

So that was my Halloween. The best costume I saw was a 2 year old as Nemo. It was SO CUTE. He had this big stuffed fish around him and he waved his arms around like he was swimming. I feel kind of bad for the little babies that get stuck in costumes in their strollers. I can't imagine it's very comfortable. They have no choice in the matter. What if they are a pumpkin and WANT to be a ninja? Very unfair.

Two and a half hours until Halloween is gone. I have a feeling that means the Tudor house will soon be decked out for Christmas!

October 12, 2010

Do You Mean Marine Biologist?

I thought working in TN would be a lot different than Chicago. I understood that in a large city like that, I was going to get crazy and mean people. However, people are much more polite down south, so I thought the worse I would get was snooty Brentwood moms that were too worried about their calorie intake and giant SUVs to remember what "please" and "thank you" meant. While I do see several of these women daily, I also manage to get the occasional whack job in there as well.

The other day I was at the stand and this guy walked out of the shoe store to get some coffee. He was in a military uniform, though I'm not sure WHY he was wearing it in the mall. He ordered his drink, and while I made it he had a very...interesting conversation with me and the other girl that was working with me.

"So. Has anyone ever approached you two about joining the marines?"

"Um, no, I can't say they have."

"You look like you could kick some butt...how old are you guys? 16?"

I laughed at this. I had my hair in pigtails, but I certainly don't think I look like a sixteen year old.

I'm VERY good at avoiding eye contact when I think something is getting awkward, so I sorta ducked behind the espresso machine while I made the drink and left the other girl to deal with him. They talked a bit, and she informed him that she was 25, married, and wanted to start a family. The marines were not for her.

"What about you, Harry Potter? You ever thought about being a marine?"

Ok. I had my Harry Potter shirt on. I'll have you know that I got a compliment from every fourteen year old that came by! He laughed SO HARD after he said the Harry Potter thing. Harry Potter came out when I was ten...it's been a big part of my life. I saw no shame in wearing that shirt!

"Yeah, I don't think I'd be a good marine."


I wanted to tell him that I didn't support an institution that insisted gay people hide and that I thought the war was pointless. I also refuse to shoot/hold a gun. Ever. Rainbows and peace, man. However, I didn't say that.

"I'm not very brave. In fact...I'm kind of scared of everything. The marines wouldn't want that."

"Oh, but we could make you brave. A bit of training would be good for you."

"...Yeaaaah...no. Here's your coffee."

He continued to spout about how AWESOME being a marine was. I mean, if being a marine means walking around the mall with a latte and talking to random people, I GUESS I could do that. I prefer theatre.

On a side note...what do the marines even DO? I know what the Navy does. I know what the Air Force does. I know what the ARMY does. But...what are marines for? Mall security?

October 9, 2010


Huzzah! I got a job! Once more I am slinging lattes and slowly becoming ridiculously addicted to caffeine. This time, however, I don't have to wake up at 4 AM to do this. Nope, just 8:30. Way better than 4. I've only worked there two days, but so far I have noticed quite a few things.

1. I have a super nice boss. THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE. Usually I HATE my boss. This woman is super nice and she doesn't judge, and she understands I'm learning certain things and that I will get better. THANK THE LORD.

2. People cannot read menus here. I don't know if everyone is just blind and refuse to go to the eye doctor...but it's very frustrating. Everything on our menu has a description underneath it. There are also pictures. Yet every other customer asks me "What's in the raspberry mocha?" (Um. Raspberry. And mocha.) That gets frustrating.

3. Like I said, there are those pictures on the front of the menu. Remember that I am BEHIND the counter and under this little roof thingy. People will just point at a picture and go, "I want that." Because I'm supposed to know what they are pointing to automatically. Of course! How inconsiderate could I be?

4. Tippers in Nashville are way more generous than tippers in Chicago. In Chicago, I was happy if I left with four dollars in tips after a shift. Today I got TWELVE! For five hours! That ups my salary two more dollars an hour. That's nice! Yesterday I ended up with 4 for five hours of work, but we were SUPER SLOW and I got less than the other girls since I was training.

So, I think this will be a good fit. Now if that waffle house musical would call me back everything will be coming up roses. Also. Everyone needs to watch this and smile:

October 3, 2010


I'm not keeping up with this very well, am I? I guess I just don't want to post anything un-interesting...not that the post about twitter WAS interesting...


So the other night I had the chance to see Tituss Burgess in concert. He was in The Little Mermaid, Jersey Boys, and Guys and Dolls on Broadway. He may be the best singer I have EVER HEARD. He was just ridiculous. The man's plane had been delayed so long that he got to the theatre five minutes before the concert was supposed to start. He rehearsed with the band for fifteen minutes (a band he had NEVER met) and walked out. He had not warmed up, he was obviously exhausted, and he still managed to be perfect. He was hilarious and wonderful and if I'm half that good one day I will be very pleased.

After that I saw The Social Network. Um. Talk about a movie that was amazing! I was not expecting much at all, but it was great! The writing and acting were impeccable. Kind of a perfect movie for anyone in my generation. We're all obsessed with the Facebook. Nice to see where it came from.

Currently I am job hunting...which is weird because I'm kind of confused about what sort of day job I want. I did the barista thing...it was fine...I did the hostess thing...it was TERRIBLE but paid more than the barista thing. Retail is super boring...I'm going to call a few places tomorrow and see if they are hiring. I WANT to work at a cupcake place, but I don't think they hire non-bakers. I wouldn't trust me with cupcakes if I owned a cupcake place. That didn't make sense, but you get the point.

Here's the REAL problem though...I have no Halloween plans. NONE. I ALWAYS have Halloween plans. It is my favorite holiday...I can't just sit in my house in a costume. We live on a huge hill so there aren't trick or treaters...what do I doooo? I want to dress up and do something! Is there like a four year old I can hire to let me take trick or treating? Is that acceptable? I don't think it is.