October 9, 2010


Huzzah! I got a job! Once more I am slinging lattes and slowly becoming ridiculously addicted to caffeine. This time, however, I don't have to wake up at 4 AM to do this. Nope, just 8:30. Way better than 4. I've only worked there two days, but so far I have noticed quite a few things.

1. I have a super nice boss. THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE. Usually I HATE my boss. This woman is super nice and she doesn't judge, and she understands I'm learning certain things and that I will get better. THANK THE LORD.

2. People cannot read menus here. I don't know if everyone is just blind and refuse to go to the eye doctor...but it's very frustrating. Everything on our menu has a description underneath it. There are also pictures. Yet every other customer asks me "What's in the raspberry mocha?" (Um. Raspberry. And mocha.) That gets frustrating.

3. Like I said, there are those pictures on the front of the menu. Remember that I am BEHIND the counter and under this little roof thingy. People will just point at a picture and go, "I want that." Because I'm supposed to know what they are pointing to automatically. Of course! How inconsiderate could I be?

4. Tippers in Nashville are way more generous than tippers in Chicago. In Chicago, I was happy if I left with four dollars in tips after a shift. Today I got TWELVE! For five hours! That ups my salary two more dollars an hour. That's nice! Yesterday I ended up with 4 for five hours of work, but we were SUPER SLOW and I got less than the other girls since I was training.

So, I think this will be a good fit. Now if that waffle house musical would call me back everything will be coming up roses. Also. Everyone needs to watch this and smile:

1 comment:

  1. yaaaay for enjoying your job!! (for the most part at least, ha).
