October 31, 2010

This is Halloween!

So. I didn't really have any fun Halloween plans this year. I guess the past few years have been so ridiculous that one peaceful year isn't so bad. I was hoping we would have a bunch of trick or treaters, but we only had 2. :(

Right now I'm watching The Walking Dead on AMC and in an attempt to not get ridiculously scared, am distracting myself with blogging. Why not turn it off, you say? Because. It's Halloween. Zombies are in order.

So yesterday at work, my boss asked us all to dress up because it was Trick or Treat day at the mall. I went as an 80s Material Girl. I thought I did a GOOD JOB dressing up.

However, NOBODY knew what I was. "What...are you exactly?" Was a question I heard often. And even though children didn't know who I was, little girls thought I was AWESOME. So, I guess that's something...right?

The mall sent out a flyer telling us to expect 3000 kids. I thought that sounded like a lot. Well. 3000 would have been NICE. I don't know how many screaming children there were...but it was more than 3000. It was AWFUL. Not only did we have to hand out candy, but we had a huge line of adults wanting coffee...and nobody was patient. Nobody CARED that we had more than one thing to do. If we were taking orders, children would scream "TRICK OR TREAT! TRICK OR TREAT!" over and over again until we gave them candy. If we were giving out candy, the people in line were asking us when they could order. One person had the audacity to walk up and go "WHERE'S THE STARBUCKS?" I just glared at her. I'm a very good glarer.

So by the end of my shift, I had a torn tutu, was soaked in coffee, had lost half of a fake eyelash, and was generally unhappy. Since the mall was so crowded, I didn't get a break. This made me very hungry. Because I was so hungry, I ate a ton of trick or treat candy, which then resulted in a sugar high/crash/stomach ache.

So that was my Halloween. The best costume I saw was a 2 year old as Nemo. It was SO CUTE. He had this big stuffed fish around him and he waved his arms around like he was swimming. I feel kind of bad for the little babies that get stuck in costumes in their strollers. I can't imagine it's very comfortable. They have no choice in the matter. What if they are a pumpkin and WANT to be a ninja? Very unfair.

Two and a half hours until Halloween is gone. I have a feeling that means the Tudor house will soon be decked out for Christmas!

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