August 19, 2010

Speak of the Devil

...That kid came back in again tonight. He screamed about blood some more.

Also. This happened.

A woman walks in, she stares at me. "Do you guys have pancakes?"

...the word pancakes is in our name. There is also a giant sign by me that says "Pancakes!"

Then two 70 year olds sat in a booth and made out for half an hour. Scarred for life.

Anyway. Have you noticed it's really hard to make up your mind when it comes to really big decisions? Right now I have one to make and I swear I change my mind every ten seconds. I get it. I'm 22. It's supposed to be like this. But cant I like...have my life plan written out for me so I know what decision I'm supposed to make? Is that so much to ask? I don't think so!

I locked myself out of my apartment tonight. That was great. I spent twenty minutes sitting on the floor outside of my door trying not to cry. My super wasn't answering his phone and I had noooo idea what to do. I was planning on couch surfing at a friend's, but I didn't have to. Luckily the super finally answered his phone and he was NOT HAPPY with me. It was only 11 PM...not too late, right? Right.

Man this post was ADD.

1 comment:

  1. Chicago winters are awesome. You are going to miss it.
